Tam Valley Sea Level Rise Task Force
Part of the Tam Valley NRG Network
The Tam Valley Sea Level Rise Task Force is part of the Tam Valley Neighborhood Response Group and was created
to address the impact of sea level rise and flooding on the Tam Valley community. Adapting to climate impact is an important part of building a resilient neighborhood.
How will sea level rise affect you?
The level of Richardson Bay is expected to rise at least 1 to 2 feet by 2035, which means the low-lying areas of Tam Valley will flood daily. Flooding will block roads in and out of the valley, homes and businesses will be inundated, and infrastructure will be damaged. Storm surges and king tides will make the flooding even worse.
What can we do about it?
Commit to becoming part of the conversation. All of us in Tam Valley will continue to be impacted by Sea Level Rise at ever increasing levels. We need to have a place at the table and an informed voice as decisions are made about our shared fate. Inform yourself. Start by reading Sea Level Rise in Tam Valley – A Primer and examining the accompanying maps: Tam Valley Sea Level Rise Impact Maps.
Keep up with the latest news
Below are blog posts related to sea level rise in Tam Valley. Catch up on recorded meetings, review maps and resources, and watch this space for upcoming public meetings.